Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bin Laden vs. McClellan

"Your minds will be troubled and your lives embittered. As for us, we have nothing to lose. A swimmer in the ocean does not fear the rain. You have occupied our lands, offended our honor and dignity and let out our blood and stolen our money and destroyed our houses and played with our security and we will give you the same treatment."
--Osama Bin Laden

"Clearly, al Qaeda and the terrorists are on the run...And as I indicated, clearly, the al Qaeda leaders and the terrorists are on the run....I think, clearly, the leaders of al Qaeda and others are on the run...But we've got them on the run... I think, clearly, he is on the run ...We are winning this war on terrorism, the terrorists are on the run and we're going to continue ....He is someone who is clearly on the run...Well, as I indicated, he's clearly on the run... [Reporter: How do you know he's on the run?] I think it's clear from all indications..."
--Scottie McClellan

Credibility: Osama
Use of Metaphor: Osama
Looks: Osama
Pity Point: Scott

Diabolicalness: ??


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