Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Return of Titid

I am not sure what to make of Jean-Bertrand Aristide's planned return to Haiti. I empathize with the man and with his supporters, whose democratic rights have been trampled on for years, but something tells me this return cannot be good. If Aristide treats Preval as a puppet, as he has in the past, Preval will lose any shred of support with the ruling elite that he may have. Without the elite's support-- or at least, toleration-- a Haitian ruler has no chance. Even worse, Aristide's move would confirm to his detractors that he is the powerlusting, dictator-in-the-making they say he is.

Maybe, Patrice, you don't need to replace the Aristide sticker on your Nalgene with a Preval one, after all.


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